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Photos and report from school of Saint Augustin

Report of the St Augustine Mixed Orthodox Institution

Director : Reader Jaurel Dérolus

Parish of St. Augustine ( Jacmel )

IMOSA, like all the other schools, received $500 in January 2020 . We get at least five per year funding for schools in past few years. The Board has decided to equip each school with a laptop with the remaining balance of this gift received.

We have been able to increase the salaries of our employees at the school . Their salaries are still meager. We could also buy water treat for our children.

Most of our children come to school with empty hands or with an empty bag, we have helped many children to procure school materials necessary to their learning.

All this makes us a little more comfortable in the work of raising children, we can make sure that we get a much better result on the side of the teachers and especially on the side of the children.

Basically the support of FFA or donors brings much improvement in children's learning at the Institute Orthodox St. Augustine. We were able to help significantly in the education of these children to save them from the phenomenon of child soldiers which is developing with cruising speed in Haiti. We can continue to educate all of these children with the support of our benefactors. May God by our prayers deliver them from all evil.

Reader Jaurel Dolus

IMOSA Director

March 2020


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